Welcome Friend!
Thanks for stopping by to Sarah Speaking!
A place that cultivates a slower way of life!
It’s no coincidence you are here! If you have been struggling to fit in, questioning society norms, or just down right fed up with some of the craziness one can find in today’s culture, then you’re in the right place! It can be easy to brush aside our innermost feelings and thoughts. (Lord knows I have a lot.) But as I continue to grow and learn my voice, I realize I am not alone. I hope to empower you to shift your life and home to a way that better serves the Lord and you! One that is slower, wholesome, and holistic.
Intentional Living
Now more than ever there are groups of women that are striving to get back into a more feminine way of life. Women quitting corporate jobs to stay at home with their kids. Women that are wearing century year old clothing to feel prettier than in today’s fashions. Women who are using natural products, cooking from scratch and working with their hands. Women who are using their natural cycles to plan their lives instead battling with themselves. Women who are centering their teaching of their children around their faith and expectations of a “godly” house.
You can bet I’m also one of these women. But if you’re feeling lost in the mix, not knowing where to begin, or what to focus on, I’m here to help!
Bringing in Practices
It can be hard to want to change your life but have no idea how to begin. There are so many courses, advise, and ways. I have become overwhelmed myself trying to do all the things. But despite the lost efforts and failed attempts I have come to realize simplicity is best.
With a less is more approach it cuts down on all that “noise”. It lets you know there really is peace out there. And I plan to help you get there!
Creating a community!
I’m not one for a large number of friends but I enjoy good company! I love to educate and give advice to individuals that care to listen. (And also enjoy learning and receiving good feed back.) In a world full of people that are saying it’s okay to fabricate things, I say it’s not.
I am creating a wholesome approach for women to simplify their lives, have a less is more attitude and be centered around the Lord, their families, and home. So come in and browse around!
See you around! -Sarah
P.S if you like what you see and want to hang out more with me; connect with me on email so you can stay up to date with me. Also become plugged in with what intentional living is, sign up for my news letter.
P.S.S if you want to lead a life of more intention and mindfulness check out my free mini work below! It’s as simple as getting a downloadable workbook right to your email with a few clicks!
Heal your Womb through Chakra Work
When you think about healing you think about going to the doctor, getting medicine, maybe relaxing and taking days off from work. But have you considered a longer healing practice? Or maybe one this is more spiritual? As a woman our wombs take some heat, literally, physically and emotionally. Many things can shame us whether…

All About Your Cycle
Living a more natural lifestyle is a big component of leading a more intentional/ mindful life. As a woman I think I have struggled the most with my cycle. Firstly, it was being told that this “pill” would make my cycle normal. Secondly, it was the feeling of taboo for wanting to adjust my life…

How Raspberry Leaf Tea Helps Your Period
Using Red Raspberry Leaf tea to help your period is a great way to add natural support and nourish yourself! It’s super light and yummy! This can be served either hot or chilled for a comforting or refreshing experience! In this post you’ll find my personal struggles with my cycle, some back story on oral…