Goal Setting: Define Your Why and Stick With It
How many times have you done goal setting in your life to be let down by not accomplishing them? All too often I would create goals in my mind but never would follow through simply because I would forget. Or I wouldn’t set a clear intention to perform tasks the goal required. I remember on numerous occasions setting goals, not writing them down, and then living my life the same way. Talk about self frustrations.
We just started the new year, although we are only just a few short weeks in. I bet so many people that had a resolution for this year are already fading. Throughout the early Spring people that started the new year with good intentions start to wear out. Only to be left frustrated that they couldn’t find the umf to keep pursuing their dreams. A good example is media clips of the gym right at the start of the new year versus a few months in. People’s goals fade! This post is dedicated to intentional goal setting. Define your why and how to stick with it for the long haul! I’m going to help you do it!
What’s your What?
What are you looking to accomplish? Do you want to lose weight, learn to play guitar, cook food, teach your toddler to read, etc. Your what is going to be different than someone else’s. But understanding the broad topic of what your looking to accomplish is the starting point of defining your goal! You might even have multiple goals right now. I personally suggest picking one goal for this practice, clearly define it.
What’s your Why?
Why do you want it? Before we create a goal we must define your reason. There must be a really good why or your what will just sit there in the back of your mind. Really think of this as your goal setting; How bad do you want this?
Bring whatever you want to hone in on to your main focus. Define the area that you plan to tweak. What part of that area do you need to fix or focus on? Get clear on what your Why is. If you don’t have a clear reason why you won’t be able to define your goal.
What’s your How?
How do you plan to achieve it? This is where we get into the brainstorming. We defined the topic, our main goal, then we described why this goal is important to us. Now we need to think of how we can carry out this defined goal to stick with it!
It might mean you have to reorganize your day. Maybe you skip weekend events to accomplish the task. You might have to ask others for help. Or maybe you have to put yourself out there by taking a private lesson or class. Whatever the case think of every possible How so you can to carry out your goal.
Feeling stuck? Ask your friends, relatives, loved ones, or someone that is doing what your goal is. You could even join a social media group! The point is you need to find inspiration! It is also helpful to have people that will make you accountable for your actions!
When is your When?
When are you going to start? You, at this point, took the time brainstorming, connecting, discussing, and planning. Now it’s your time to shine! Put all that brainpower to plan your goal out and put it into action!
Figure out a clear plan of when you want to begin. Do you want to start tomorrow? Or do you need time and want to start the first of the next month, or even a Sunday? Do you need to purchase something in advance? These are all questions to ask yourself and create an actual start date!
Share! When you create your actual start date share! This could be to the social media group you joined or the designated accountability partner. When you share your start date with others it gives you that much more confidence to sticking with your defined goal!
Create a Goal like a Business Contract, Don’t let Yourself Down.
Your Action Time!
The moment you’ve been waiting for! Let’s get to work! You should be starting on your start date and sticking with your created plan!
Let’s briefly recap on ways to find support and keep you accountable to yourself;
- Find a Community
- Find Inspiration; media groups, podcasts, etc.
- Have an accountability buddy , or friend to perform the goal with
Hey Sister! If you’re looking for a way to stay even more accountable with yourself, then check out this freebie I created just for you! My 14 Day Goal Journal! Stay on track with this simple yet effective journal to give you that much more inspiration! Stay on track of your goals this time around by journaling. Get yours today with the link below! -Thank You!
What to keep in mind
This is not an overnight process. In fact it was a known fact that it could take around 21 days to build a habit. But according to hbr.org there is no such thing! It actually takes longer to build a new habit and maintain the lifestyle! The point? You will not achieve this overnight. If you want to set a goal that’s long lasting then be realistic with yourself. Most importantly sticking with your defined goal will take time to master, so be patient.
You will have a rough patch. Not to be a negative Nancy here but we all set goals. Then it gets tough; our life becomes busy, a kid gets sick, or the car breaks down, we tend to put aside those goals due to stress. What matters is you come back to that goal and pick it back up right at the process you set it down.
Don’t procrastinate. Especially if you had to stop the process of your goal. Create a restart date and stick with it. Get back into it!
You might be scared. No one wants to admit this but you might be scared! Let me tell you I was super scared to launch this blog! I wanted the end result but was afraid of the process. Overcome that fear! That’s why you need people in your corner to route you on! (Like me!)
It might take longer than you think. This is a hard one in my opinion. We live in a world where we see people already functioning beyond their met goals. Or we see posts for instant gratification. This might happen for some but be realistic, most everything takes time!
Sister I hope this post has found you and given you insight on how you can define your goals and stick with them. If you’re looking for more check out this post where I discuss becoming more mindful and how to add it into your life!
Also check out a Friends post from Truth and Beauty Co where Tiffany writes about creating achievable goals for the new year! Get the read here!
P.s if you liked this post please share, comment, and subscribe! Have a blessed day!
Great tips, thanks for sharing.
I enjoyed reading this post. I like the focus of asking ourselves questions to help pinpoint the purpose of achieving goals. It’s a great habit formation to ask questions and be curious about creating a healthy lifestyle.
Great info.
Helpful tips! Being super clear on the what, why, how, and when sets you up for success 🙂
Thanks for sharing. Fantastic post. It’s a great look at goal setting.