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  1. Great tips! I’ve been using natural skincare for years now, ever since it was introduced on YouTube. I love discovering more information about it. This post was it!

  2. Really insightful and helpful post! Love all the tips. Will definitely try a few especially the apple cider vinegar instead of conditioner. It is scary what they put in our products and always good to remember there are other ways! Thanks.

  3. Some great ideas here. Some I knew about, some I didn’t. I use coconut oil a lot, especially for cleaning my face and occasionally as a hair mask. I love it. I sometimes use apple cider vinegar in my hair (with a natural hair mask) – but I hadn’t considered using it all the time! I think I will – do you add an essential oil to it? My only issue with it, it’s a bit stinky!?

    1. No I don’t add anything to it. I don’t think it has a smell after at all! I think because you are rinsing your hair after. Typically, I also add hair oil I make to it afterwards, so it’ll carry that smell faintly. I think because they’re natural products you don’t get the hair smells your used to when you buy the commercial hair products.

  4. I really enjoyed this post and we need to say it louder for those in the back. Natural products are the best and our bodies love it better. We need to give up on fancy bottles and designs for our health’s sake!

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