We are not permitted to diagnosis or treat any individual of any health related diagnosis. This website is used for educational/ informational purposes only. Any information found on website: Sarahspeaking .com should not be used for diagnosis or treatment purposes. Always seek medical attention and advise from a licensed personal/ health care provider/ or doctor dedicated to your geographic location. Any medical conditions should be discussed with you doctor or licensed health care provider/ personal.
Never disregard medical advice that your licensed medical provider/ personal, or doctor has given you because of something you have read on website.
Mental Health
If you have an active mental health diagnosis please seek advice from your licensed medical provider before performing any activities noted on this website Do not stop or disregard your active medical treatment to your active diagnosis to perform practices that may be found on
If you feel as though you are unsafe at home by yourself or around another person please call 911, go to your local emergency provider, or seek the hot line numbers for suicide/ exacerbated mental health disorders. In case of a medical emergency always seek help by calling 911 of local authoritative personal that can further direct you in your geographic location.