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  1. Taking our phones to bed, not taking proper lunch breaks to stop and many other things that are now part of normal life are some of the causes of stress. Also when I was young Sunday was a non work day so you were forced to stop for a day and spend time with your family. Now Sunday is just another work day. It is hard to slow down but I think it’s very important to work on that. Thank you for your suggestions on ways to slow down.

  2. Great read. A very important read for all of us! I started my slower-paced living journey a few years ago, and I am so grateful that I did. One of the things I did at the beginning was I sat down and re-assessed my values. I had adopted some from others (family, community), and they no longer served me and my journey. Once I did that, I could start creating a life in alignment with my values, including slower-paced living. So happy I did it.

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