Positive Benefits of Journaling You Weren’t Aware Of.
Ever thought about writing down your thoughts and emotions but thought you were silly? I’m here to tell you you’re not. I’ve been a journaling individual for some time. Until recent I have not fully understood the actual benefits of what journaling brings to me. During this post I plan to enlighten all my lovely readers of the Positive Benefits of Journaling You Weren’t Aware Of.
When you think of journaling what do you think of? Maybe you never have until coming across this post. I never journaled much when I was younger but in my early 20’s I found solace in writing all my thoughts and emotions down. I was the generation where young girls had secret code locked journals or tiny locks to keep others from entering. However I also remember Teen movies where boys would mock their sisters or girls for keeping a diary. The mocking “Dear Diary” comes to mind full force here…
At some point, I thought if people knew I kept a journal they could be-little me; foolish I know. And more unfortunate for actually letting this get to me. I would hide my journal in places my spouse would never look in. However; as much as this has gotten to me when I was younger, I now know too much to care what others think of me for keeping a journal. Actually journaling is a really healthy way to reduce stress! (One reason you might not have known).
It Reduces Stress
As said above this is a great easy inexpensive way to start to reduce your stress level! If you keep a daily journal and write your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions down within its pages; it will help you reduce stress! It’s actually so effective that the American Institute of Stress considers it a popular way for individuals to reduce stress levels.
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A Way to Clear Your Mind
You’ve probably heard the phrase “Crowded mind, Crowded environment.” I find that journaling helps un-crowd my mind. Sit down with your journal blocking off 5-10 minutes, begin to just write about all that is on your mind. Personally I find after I do this, I feel a lot better. Typically I don’t start with any sort of beginning but just more or less jump into the heart of the emotions that I feel on that typical day.
Gain Clarity
After you write your heart and soul out you will most likely gain some insight on your own. That saying “The Answers are Within Us.” Really comes to play here. If you think not try this: After writing about a topic for a time that has been plaguing you, go back and re-read what you’ve written. Notice the patterns of thoughts, emotions, and ideas you’re writing down. There should be the same theme if you’ve been writing for a while, you should be able to find clarity in that. I find it a great way to recognize my own truths and find that my inner voice really does come out when I write it down.
You will Feel Lighter
Nothing is better than a good word purge, in my opinion. I know some people would rather go to their best friend but I have to warn individuals here; We don’t 100% know how they process your information. We also don’t know what their true inner struggles are. If you want to “word purge” verbally I suggest a counselor to speak with.
The point is; Journal pages won’t give you a biased, or opinionated, response and neither should a counselor. Once you are able to get everything out of your brain swirling around, you should feel better. It’s a way to let go of those pent up emotions, thoughts, whatever, that’s been milling around in your brain. Once you are able to let them go it will clear your mind up for whatever it is you’re really needing to focus on.
It Brings In Awareness
Some times we just all need to sit quietly and think it out. Also a great time to grab that journal! I like to transpose all that is swirling in my brain to the pages. Once I do this, I find that after I get it all out I’m able to have more awareness in whatever is bothering me. Some times you need to separate yourself from what ever situation, and a great way you can do this is through journaling! If we allow ourselves the time to truly connect with our selves, giving ourselves the availability to be open, perceptive, and nonjudgmental, then we will be able to find some sort of solution we need. Once we are able to do this, the practice becomes easier each time we do it.
I hope that I have given you the persuasion to begin to keep your own journal now. Set some time aside during the week where you’re quiet and alone to begin. I find the best time to journal is in the early mornings prior to my children waking up.
Remember you don’t need an expensive leather bound journal, some of the best journals I’ve gotten were from the dollar store. If you’re looking for some inspiration check out more of my Journaling Prompts page for certain topics you want to begin to poke around in.
Stay Mindful Folks and Blessed Be.
I really need to get back into journaling. And even goal setting. I have some goals that I visualize and I think, I would love to write these down, but the busy-ness of life gets in the way. I need to slow down…
It can defiantly be difficult to find the time, especially in this world! I find actually setting time aside and making a goal of some morning time (it works best for me) to do my daily reflections works best for me!
Yesss! Love this. I’m super passionate about the benefits of journaling. This post was great, thanks for sharing