New Beginning Journal Prompts

Use these prompts if you are beginning a new chapter in life. Whether its a birthday or you finally turned a new page or started a new book dedicated to your life! See my mindfulness post here.
Before Beginning to Journal
Take a few minutes to sit and think on what new beginning or adventures you’re embarking on.
Think of all the emotions that arise, visualize yourself actively performing what ever goals or tasks you have set out to do. This could look like many things so take your time and give yourself space to imagine.
Picture the end result. Really focus on this new area of your life for a few minutes brining awareness and mindfulness in. Remember to breathe. When you’re ready begin to journal.
What has shifted internally for you to feel renewed, and start a new life chapter?
What phase or cycle do you feel has ended to begin this new area in your life?
In a few words describe how this feels to you?
What positive descriptive words did you write. Explain them.
What negative words did you write? Explain why they’re negative.
What are some ways you could mindfully address the negative emotions that came up? How could you become more aware of them?
What are some ways you can create positivity out of the negative emotions you feel?
Write the different choices you could choose to bring positivity about your life change instead of creating negativity.
Check In
Write your truth taking as much time as you need. Put this aside for a few days and let the realizations sink in. This takes time after all we are making the subconscious, conscious.
Come back to these prompts and review what you wrote after you digested it. Did more come to mind? Maybe it wasn’t as negative as you originally thought. Feel free to branch a journal entry off of this original one. Consider reevaluating these journaling prompts every month to readdress what’s new and what has changed!