New Beginning

It’s a New Beginning for me!
It’s a new beginning for me and I just couldn’t help myself but share! It was my Birthday! I love birthdays so much, and it’s not because I’m another year older. I think of them as a way to evaluate my life in my own terms to how old I am. What I did, or could have done, and what I plan to work towards in the coming year I will be traveling around the sun.
This year is especially monumental because I have officially ended my 20’s! I am starting a new chapter in my life. A new Decade to be exact; 30! I have so many plans, aspirations, and ideas for cultivating a truly amazing life!
Lastly it is a time for me to reflect on what my last year of being in my 20’s, and evaluate the whole decade.
Have you had a New Beginning recently?
No matter the size, whats something that instantly comes to mind? Did you start a major project, or get that promotion you were dreaming about? Did you complete another personal goal? What ever it is it is unique to you, and that is why it is SO Special!
What ever it may be; I’m so happy you’re here! It doesn’t have to be your birthday to be here, it could be any time in your life. It’s the Fact that: You Are Here.
Let The Past be The Past
For me, my 20’s was rocky with TONS of life lessons. I learned so much in these past ten years. Adulting, getting my career situated, becoming a mom, becoming myself! There were some really high and really low points to this journey. However, I would never take any of it back!
It was a doozy when I reflect on all that happened during that time of my life but it has shaped me in becoming the lovely human I am today! I have come to terms with knowing I didn’t act as appropriate as I should have. I made mistakes, like most of us. Now that I ended my 20’s I have put all that was, could have been, and self disapproval to rest. (In the imaginary grave I had dug in my mind.) I am allowing myself grace and to Let The Past be The Past. And so should you if you are in the same boat as me.
During this NEW BEGINNING I am cultivating a life of refinement .
Refinement. My career, My family, My life.
I plan to pivot in my current practice as a nurse and step away from the corporate realm. I’m striving to cultivate a slower life because I feel drawn to needing more time with my children and growing family. In addition my goal is to live a less is more life by truly valuing each day in the present. All once a total dream, I’m currently taking active steps towards obtaining my dreams! And I want you to too!
It’s defiantly scary to realize that what you were working towards suddenly changes. I felt like I was working super hard, doing all the things. Getting my BSN in nursing and to feel like I hit an imaginary brick wall. I Want to Raise my Kids. I want a slower lifestyle. All of these phrases speaking to me with that little voice one gets in the back of their mind. I know it’s right, and most importantly, I KNOW I CAN DO IT. SO CAN YOU!
What are your Goals?
It’s always a great time to create personal goals, or come back to some you previously set. Evaluate how the progress is. It’s okay if some dropped to the back burner, this is the time to reevaluate and determine what best serves you! Think of this as a personal new year! What would you like to accomplish in this revolution around the sun? Whet ever it is take some time to evaluate all that surrounds this topic.
What Themes Arise?
Think about all the areas you plan to improve or cultivate awareness in your life. Maybe it’s Change. Maybe it’s Growth. Cultivation? How could they benefit you?
Hold yourself Accountable
Set a reminder a few weeks from now, a month from now, when ever feels right! Come back to this journal entry and review what you wrote. Have you come farther? Are you still feeling stuck? Are you working through it? What have you learned this far?
Shift. Change. Grow
Don’t be afraid to write your true feelings, your true desires, or what ever has been weighing you down. Get It All Out! I feel so much better when I purge words on paper, it’s a no judgement zone. Here are those journaling prompts
That paper wont judge you!
Share with me what your inner work has been!!