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  1. This was very helpful. I had meditation as a new years goal and I couldn’t get it because I thought my mind had to be fully clear and I just wasn’t working out . So thanks and good read .

  2. Love meditation—but also came by to say I like, too, how your blog reads on mobile. The way the sections are broken up into elegant blocks isn’t something I see often and lends itself toward a tranquility all its own. Nice layout and great content!

    1. OMG! This means so much to me! I am a very visual person and I like to see subsections. I try to make it easy too if people are skimm reading. I appreciate the love and support!

  3. To be honest, I want to meditate but am still struggling a lot with it… Probably because there is always so much going on in my head (also the reason why I want to get better in it haha), but I will definitely give your steps and tips a try! Thanks for sharing them, it’s very easy to read

    1. I would suggest to try something very easy at first. Even if you can’t meditate first off, focus on the breath and letting all that goes around you first. When you’re able to master that you will be able to sit and focus on a meditation. It takes time, and I too started where you were. My sense would focus on something and I could not let it go. It took me awhile to get to a decent practice. Be gentle on your self! Keep Trying!

  4. This is truly a helpful guide to meditation for beginners. The points you mentioned about what isn’t meditation hit home for me. Awesome read!

    1. I’m so happy you are wanting to get back into it! I find I am much more at peace and in a calmer state of mind throughout the day when I perform some kind of meditation ritual!

  5. Meditation has been really helpful in my life when it comes to managing stress and anxiety, especially when I focus on different breathing techniques. Thanks for sharing!

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